Attendance Strategy

Name of school Cosby National School 
Address Stradbally, Co. Laois 
Roll Number 10544w 
The school’s vision and values in relation to attendance to create a well-functioning, happy and safe environment which promotes the dignity and individuality of every pupil, enabling them to reach their full potential: cognitive, intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual, therefore making full attendance attractive to all Our holistic approach to the development of our students as individuals underpins all our actions.
The school’s high expectations around attendance All staff work as a team to implement a positive and consistent approach to promote maximum attendanceWhen enrolling their child, new parents are given an information pack outlining the importance of regular attendance Each September an information pack is given to every family which includes the leaflet- ‘Don’t let your child miss out’ –this aims to make parents aware of their legal  obligations in relation to attendance under the Education Welfare Act , i.e. that they attend every day that the school is open, unless there is a genuine reason not toCosby National School strongly discourages parents from taking students on holidays during term time. If a parent decides to do so they are required to provide a letter to the school stating their intentions and that they are aware of the implications this decision will have on their child’s educationWe value the parent as the child’s primary educator and encourage them to promote the importance of regular attendance and punctuality We encourage the pupils to take personal responsibility for their own learning, and their responsibility to their peers and their teachers to be at school every day
How attendance andpunctuality will be monitored Attendance is recorded daily electronically on Aladdin. Our school defines non-attendance as not being present in school at roll call at 10.00a.m.Numbers of absences are analysed at the end of each Tusla reporting period and accumulating absences are flagged to parents ( 10+15  days absent, letters sent home, 20 days absent, letter sent home and absence reported to TUSLA)On the first day of the absence parents are required to send a text to the school mobile explaining the reason for absence. This is then recorded on Aladdin. Students are expected to be in school and ready to start lessons by 9a.m. Students need at least ten minutes to unpack and prepare themselves for the day ahead.  Students who arrive after this time will be recorded as “late”. If a student has been recorded as late three or more times in a week then a reminder text will be sent to the parents. If there is no improvement then an appointment will be made to speak to the teacher.
Summary of the main elements of the school’s approach to attendance:Target setting and targetsThe whole-school approach Promoting good attendance Responding to poor attendance In Cosby National School we do not generally experience difficulties with children’s attendance. For example, this school year monthly attendance levels have been between 94% and 97%. However, punctuality can be an issue.Target setting and targets: The school strives for the target of best-possible attendance for each pupil, making allowances for  the specific health issues of some pupils  Whole-school approach:First letter to parents in each school year explicitly states the importance of attendanceAttendance is recorded in each child’s summer school report and in the Education Passport of children in sixth classPromoting good attendance: School certificates for good attendance and certificates for punctuality will be awarded at the end of term 1.Medals for punctuality and  Tusla certificates  will be awarded to each pupil based on their level of attendance at the end of each school yearBeing vigilant so that risks to good attendance are identified early Using parents as partners in their child’s educationResponding to poor attendance:Supportive engagement with pupils who are potentially at risk of poor attendance  Issues regarding poor or irregular attendance are discussed with parents  ( see monitoring )The Student Absence Report is completed and returned via Aladdin to the Educational Welfare Services at the end of each reporting period for any pupil who has missed 20 days or more. The Annual Attendance Report is completed via Aladdin and returned to the Educational Welfare Services at the end of each school year.  
School roles in relation to attendance The Board of Management: has the responsibility for the preparation of the ‘School Statement of Strategy for School Attendance’ and for its submission to the Patron. The Board also submits this statement to TUSLA: Education Welfare Services: Child and Family Agency  at
School Principal: has the responsibility for providing all parents with a copy of the school’s ‘Statement of Strategy for School Attendance’. 
Teachers and SNAs bring their professional expertise to bear in the implementation of the strategy to the best effect. 
Parents: have a responsibility to ensure best possible attendance for their children
Pupils:  take a growing sense of personal responsibility for school attendance
Partnership arrangements (parents, students, other schools, youth and community groups) All partners will be made aware of the high expectations in regard to school attendance. Consultation will follow when attendance issues arise 
How the Statement of Strategy will be monitored It will be used as a template for promoting good attendance throughout the school This statement of Strategy will be monitored on an annual basis and referred to should attendance issues arise in the course of the school year. 
Review process and date for review This statement of strategy will be discussed and reviewed in light of experience of the previous school year at the first Board of Management meeting of the school year. 
Date the Statement of Strategy was approved by the Board of Management

    13 / 06 /2017

Date the Statement of Strategy submitted to Tusla      14 / 06 / 2017

SIGNED BY:      Thomas Cosby

                                  Chairperson, BoM.